Past Award Winners

Clubman of the Season

2019/20  Natalie Price
2018/19  Martin Williams
2017/18  Emyr Williams (Big M) 
2016/17  N/A
2015/16  N/A
2014/15  Chris Coslett
2013/14  Aled Davies
2012/13  Curtis Roberts
2011/12  Mathew Williams
2010/11  Martin Williams
2009/10  Simon Davies
2008/09  Martin Williams
2007/08  Mark Thomas 
2006/07  Alex Dakin
2005/06  Emyr Williams (Big M)

First Team Players' Player of the Season

2019/20  Gavin Williams
2018/19  Chris Hickey
2017/18  Daniel Evans
2016/17  Davey Lewis
2015/16  David Lewis
2014/15  Mike O'Mara
2013/14  Darren Dickeson
2012/13  Ian Morgan
2011/12  Steffan Cook
2010/11  Dai Thomas
2009/10  Steffan Cook
2008/09  Ian Morgan
2007/08  Tom Harris
2006/07  Dai Thomas
2005/06  Dai Thomas
2004/05  Curtis Roberts
2003/04  Tom Dakin
2002/03  Christian Williams
2001/02  Richard Thomas
2000/01  Christian Williams
1999/00  Christian Williams
1998/99  David Evans 

First Team Manager's Player of the Season

2019/20  Thomas Harris
2018/19  Nathan Jones
2017/18  Neil Bryant
2016/17  Mike O'Mara
2015/16  Mike O'Mara
2014/15  Rhodri Parkman
2013/14  Tom Harris
2012/13  Tom Harris
2011/12  Jonathan Dakin
2010/11  Dai Thomas
2009/10  Martin Williams
2008/09  Darren Dickeson
2007/08  Michael O'Mara
2006/07  Tom Harris
2003/04  Christian Williams

Second Team Players' Player of the Season

2019/20  Nathan Mcauley
2018/19  Chris Meredith
2017/18  Peter Watts
2016/17  Jason Carrick
2015/16 Jack Reynolds
2014/15  Daniel Evans
2013/14  Michael O'Mara
2012/13  Lewis Williams
2011/12  Mathew Williams
2010/11  Emir Hakman
2009/10  Dai Lewis
2008/09  Tom Ballard
2007/08  Richard Morgan
2006/07  Matthew Davey
2005/06  Johnny Rees
2004/05  Gary Thomas
2003/04  Gary Thomas
2002/03  Lee Evans
2001/02  Gary Thomas
2000/01  Craig Anderson 

Second Team Manager's Player of the Season

2019/20  Paul Thomas
2018/19  Jason Carrick
2017/18  Peter Watts
2016/17  Drew Murphy-Jones
2015/16  Jack Reynolds
2014/15  Mike Jones
2013/14  Michael O'Mara
2012/13  Daniel Miles
2011/12  Gavin Lemon
2010/11  Gavin Lemon
2009/10  Kieran Price
2008/09  Adam Edwards
2007/08  Craig Anderson
2006/07  Richard Morgan
2005/06  Martin Williams
2004/05  Paul Thomas
2003/04  David Rees
2002/03  Kristian Brooks
2001/02  Tim Crossman 

Under 18s Players' Player of the Season

2016/17  Shaun Roberts
2015/16  Liam Jones
2012/13  Chris Evans

Under 18s Manager's Player of the Season

2016/17  Eray Wilson
2015/16  Lloyd Francis
2012/13  Jamie Howells

Under 16s Players' Player of the Season

2014/15  Liam Jones
2013/14  Jordan Badman

Under 16s Supporters' Player of the Season

2014/15  Liam Jones
2013/14  Tom Rees

Under 15s Players' Player of the Season

2019/20  Johnny Barlow
2014/15  Kieran Rees

Under 15s Supporters' Player of the Season

2019/20  Ryan Roberts
2014/15  Morgan Lewis

Under 13s Players' Player of the Season

2014/15  Thomas Williams

Under 13s Supporters' Player of the Season

2014/15  Geraint Jenkins

Under 12s Players' Player of the Season

2014/15  Osian Evans

Under 12s Supporters' Player of the Season

2014/15  Jason Evans