1. Name
The club shall be called Llangennech Association Football Club (hereinafter called the club).
2. Affiliation
The club shall be affiliated to the West Wales Football Association (WWFA) and shall be members of the Carmarthenshire Association Football League (CAFL), Carmarthenshire Junior Association Football League and West Wales Women & Girls League (WWWGL).
3. Aims and Objectives
The club shall aim to positively promote the game to its members and offer coaching and competitive and non-competitive opportunities to all those members who wish to play (mini / junior / senior) or officiate in football games. It will seek to involve all members, particularly adults and parents of junior members, in the undertaking of its activities to ensure there is sustainable and quality provision for all and that all members are treated equitably. The club will provide duty of care and protection to all members.
4. Equality Statement
Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking appropriate steps to address them and ensure the club and game of football, in all its forms, is accessible to all. The club respects every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality, or social/economic status.
The club will ensure that there is open access for all those who wish to participate in the activities of the club, in whatever capacity and that they are treated fairly.
The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment, and abuse. All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity. The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.
5. Welfare Statement
The club recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults who are in membership of the club. The club will aim to provide good quality football in a safe environment by adopting the procedures and working practices of the FAW. (This includes photography consent and GDPR compliance).
6. Membership
6.1 The club shall consist of the Officers and the members. Members shall be defined as:
Adult members (18+, disabled and non-disabled)
Junior members (5 to 17, disabled and non-disabled)
Juniors and sections within the club who provide “non-FAW-affiliated” forms of football programs (Disability / Veterans / Walking Football) will adopt and abide to agree by the club’s policies and procedures.
6.2 In accepting membership, a person agrees to abide by the Constitution of the Club and the decisions of the Club Management Committee.
6.3 All members are also required to abide by the appropriate FAW Football Code of Conduct.
6.4 The Management committee shall be responsible for considering whether applications for membership should be accepted. This decision shall be made in accordance with the Equality Statement in section 4.
6.5 Junior members shall not have the right to vote at Committee meetings but are entitled to elect up to 4 representatives who shall have an opportunity to contribute to the running of the club.
7. Membership and Subscription Fees
7.1 Membership and subscription fees shall be set by the Club's elected Committee and Officers. The level of fees shall be set annually in an off-season meeting and may differ between adult and junior members.
7.2 Annual membership fees shall routinely be collected via electronic payment through the club's digital invoicing system. There will be an option of paying a one-off fee, or to pay in instalments. No member will be eligible to represent the club if he/she has not paid or kept up with the agreed membership payment plan.
8. Management Committee
8.1 The Management Committee will act for the members of the club and shall be comprised of the following nominated Officers (as a minimum): Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Safeguarding Officer and Accreditation Officer. One person may not hold any more than two positions of Club officer at any one time.
In addition, members may be nominated on to the committee in both officer and non-officer roles, such as sub-officer roles (i.e., Junior Treasurer or Jnr Secretary) and specialist roles (i.e., COMET Registrations / Social Media / Partnerships / Facilities / Kit Officers, Grants & Business Development roles).
8.2 Officers shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and hold their posts for a calendar year but may seek re-election at the following year’s AGM. Members may be co-opted onto the committee during the season.
8.3 The Management Committee shall meet no less than 4 times a year (or when determined by the Chairperson). Meetings of the club committee shall be chaired by the Chairperson, or in their absence, the vice-chairperson.
8.4 The quorum necessary for Management meetings shall be 3.
8.5 Any member of the Management Committee failing to attend three consecutive meetings without apology shall be deemed to have resigned.
8.6 The Management Committee will select all Senior Team Managers. Managers will have full control over team activities during the season.
8.7 The Management Committee shall be responsible for interpreting the Club Constitution in relation to the operation of the club’s affairs. Proposed amendments to the Constitution can only be agreed at the AGM.
8.8 Responsibility for all property owned or leased by the club rests with the Management Committee, unless otherwise outlined through changes to the legal status of the club.
8.9 The Management Committee is responsible for the recruitment and management of all professional staff / contractors employed by the club.
8.10 Members have the right to call for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). It shall be held at the request of at least 25% of members. Notice for an EGM will be the same as for an AGM.
9. Voting Procedures for all meetings
9.1 All members entitled to vote at meetings shall have equal voting rights.
9.2 A motion shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and voting, except when the motion is a Constitutional amendment, which shall require a two-thirds majority (at AGM).
9.3 The Chairperson of the meeting shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie.
10. Finance
10.1 All monies raised by, or on behalf of the club shall be applied to further the aims and objectives of the club and for no other purpose.
10.2 The club Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the financial accounts of the club detailing all income received and expenditure made.
10.3 The financial year of the club will start on 1st of June 2023 and will end 30th of June 2024 (13 months), transitioning thereafter to run from July 1st to June 30th (from 2024, until further notice).
10.4 The funds of the club shall be lodged at a bank or building society in an account in the name of the club. All cheques, BACS transfers, etc. drawn on this account shall be approved by two authorised signatories, as nominated with the bank.
- All fines shall be paid by the individual who committed the offence.
11. Annual General Meeting
11.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the club shall be held in summer (within three months of the end of the club’s financial year).
11.2 The Agenda will include:
- A report from the committee
- Treasurer’s report and the year’s accounts
- Election of the committee for the coming year
- Election of other relevant positions to the role and purpose of the Club
11.3 The Club shall announce the date of the AGM to all members 7-days prior.
11.4 All elections of Officers shall be confirmed at the AGM. The Secretary should receive all nominations. Nominations shall require one supporting vote from members of the club, eligible to vote.
11.5 The dates of the AGM and the Management Committee meetings shall be determined at the previous meeting. In addition, the Chairperson may call a meeting when he or she considers it necessary or desirable, or upon the written request of at least three members of the Management Committee.
11.6 The quorum for AGM shall be 8 members present who are eligible to vote. All members have the right to vote at the AGM.
12. Discipline and Appeals
12.1 The Management Committee shall have the authority to take appropriate disciplinary action against any member or employee of the club and the discretion to terminate membership or employment if any person is found guilty of conduct deemed detrimental to the club.
12.2 Should a disciplinary issue involve the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult then the appropriate action will be taken by the Club Safeguarding Officer, with the Area Association informed if necessary.
12.3 Disciplinary action against club members may be taken for offences of misconduct or breach of the club rules. However, it is recognised and accepted that every member:
- Has the right to expect fair and consistent treatment.
- Has the right to adequate notice from the club.
- Has the right to appeal against the judgement or the Management Committee’s decision in all disciplinary matters, by requesting so in writing to either the Chairperson or Secretary within 14 days of the decision.
- Has the right to representation at a hearing.
- An appeal hearing should be convened within 14 days of the request for an appeal being submitted.
- No member will be expelled for the first breach of the Club’s rules except in cases of “gross misconduct”. However, all disciplinary actions taken by the club will be duly recorded and placed on file for reference at a future date.
12.4 An Appeal Hearing should be convened by a member of the Management Committee and no more than four additional Club members who are independent of the original Disciplinary Hearing and subsequent decision.
12.5 Any member who has been charged with misconduct by the WWFA shall be immediately suspended by the club if the club intends to plead guilty to the charge. The suspension will be lifted once the disciplinary hearing has been held.
13. Dissolution procedures
In the event of the club ceasing to exist and following the discharge of all debts and liabilities, any assets at the time of dissolution shall be transferred to another Club, a Competition, the WWFA or Football Association of Wales for use by them related to community sports.
14. Review of the Constitution
This Constitution should be reviewed a minimum of every 2 years. Any alteration to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of votes.
15. Club Teams
In line with the equality statement, the management committee will ensure that all teams within the club have equal access to kit, equipment, and facilities. The management committee must promote the whole club to public and to potential partners / sponsors, enforcing that a ‘them and us’ culture does not exist.
16. Valuables
Each person is responsible for his/her own belongings whilst taking part in club facilities. The club will not be held responsible for any loss or damage.
17. Transfers
All COMET registration forms shall be signed by the relevant COMET secretary.
18. Other
All matters arising that are not provided for by the Constitution will be dealt with by the Management Committee, whose decision shall be final.